parent point
had darwin been based on linux insteed of freebsd, then everyone would unanimously vote osx as the best linux distro. unfortunately that wasn't the case. also, unix in it's existense of 40 years have never made it self appear sexy/hip, but apple has done exactly that with their touch of posix. i also have a hunch that xgrid, which comes preinstalled on every new mac, will make the next revolution in computing history. grid-computing is obviously not new but so far it's only been known by the nerd herd. with apple's touch, it would be interesting to see real people(ie. the not so bright ones, which only out numbers our herd 10 to 1) put it to use. xgrid will allow real researchers/scientists an easy way to tap into massive computing powers without the steep learning curve to master the ability to setup and administer grid controller servers.
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