'fox news has a conservative political bias'
[ support:0% : certainty:0 ] · [2 replies] · [0 comment]
arguments · summary

title: 'Re: fox is owned by rupert murdoch's news corp.'
text: 'working link: Fox & Monsanto

I found it interesting in the movie documentary Outfoxed, they mentioned that it would be difficult to sue O'Reilly for slander because he has a history of routinely lying on his show. This was in response to the Jeremy Glick appearance.'
tags: news propaganda slander fox outfoxed
date: 2005-12-03 22:18:22
submitter: anonymous
effective: 0
support: 0
oppose: 0
stancePos: 0
stanceNeg: 0
repliesSupport: 0
repliesOppose: 0
repliesTotal: 0
comments: 0

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