'technology is the enemy of human progress'
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by metric on 2005-11-13 17:05:28
As automation takes over certain fields, new fields of employment open up. "In 1870 only twelve million Americans, representing 31 percent of the population, had jobs. By 1985 the figure rose to 116 million jobs held by 48 percent of the population. This substantial increase in the number of jobs occurred despite the dramatic shift away from the labor content of agriculture. In 1900 more than a third of all American workers were involved in food production. Today Americans are better fed and America a major food exporter, with only 3 percent of the workforce involved." quoted from here
by anonymous on 2006-01-03 11:14:47
Employment is not synonymous with progress. Mankind needs to progress beyond the limitations we have set for ourselves. Our environment no longer drives evolution, and so we are left with no choice but to evolve our environment. Thus we can further our evolution past the need to be reliant on our environment. Technology allowed for this post, and so one can hardly say it hinders progress. (look for transhumanism on google).

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