'teach evolution instead of creationism'
[ support:54% : certainty:51 ] · [31 replies] · [0 comment]
arguments · summary

title: 'Re: unconstitutional'
text: 'Let's look at established history, most of the delegates of the constitutional Convention were Christians. So why would these God-Fearing men want to take Christianity out of schools even when some of them wrote state constitutions that made all public officials take an oath to be Christian. The case was wrong and the theory was wrong as the left-wing says “let’s encourage diversity in schools”.'
date: 2005-11-10 15:29:07
submitter: anonymous
effective: -1
support: 0
oppose: 0
stancePos: 0
stanceNeg: 0
repliesSupport: 0
repliesOppose: 0
repliesTotal: 0
comments: 0

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