'teach evolution instead of creationism'
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by BruceLHill on 2005-12-04 05:47:12
You're correct in that we that can't prove that God didn't create the world 5000 years ago complete with a full fossil record and genetic evidence of evolution, or that God may or may not have guided evolution so it wasn't just random chance. The point is that those questions are ones of faith.
Science classes should teach what the evidence shows, and leave the supernatural connection, if any, to religious instruction or comparative religion classes.
by anonymous on 2007-08-24 01:26:33
By that logic, you could also say we should scrap History lessons from the classrooms since it is not directly 'observable'.

It is not because I cannot observe quarks that it means it doesn't exist.

The question is not wether it is observable, but wether it is verifiable and wether it is verified. (and falsifiable)

And it is verified. (microevolution is observable, btw)

I think teachers (not science class) should be able to choose wether they give creationism, but if they choose so, they have to bring it as it is (not a fact, not a scientific theory, based on faith) and be critical of it (as should they be critical over everything thought, btw)
by anonymous on 2007-08-24 01:26:38
By that logic, you could also say we should scrap History lessons from the classrooms since it is not directly 'observable'.

It is not because I cannot observe quarks that it means it doesn't exist.

The question is not wether it is observable, but wether it is verifiable and wether it is verified. (and falsifiable)

And it is verified. (microevolution is observable, btw)

I think teachers (not science class) should be able to choose wether they give creationism, but if they choose so, they have to bring it as it is (not a fact, not a scientific theory, based on faith) and be critical of it (as should they be critical over everything thought, btw)

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